In 2018-2020, the four DYCE partners carried out a project dedicated to young composers from all over Europe and to audiences in Milan, Oslo, Seville and Tallinn, with the support of the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
This very positive experience gave rise to the desire to repeat and expand the project.
This is how DYCE 2022-2023 was born, still with the support of Creative Europe, involving once again young composers from all European countries and the audience of the four cities, and introducing an important new communication activity through the Storytellers.
DYCE new edition consists of six main points:
Through the division of Europe into 4 DYCE Regions and thanks to contacts with all the music academies of the continent, the project intends to reach all young European composers and “narrators” interested in participating in the two calls: DYCE wants to know and stimulate young musical creativity, and wants to encourage an innovative, immediate and visual communication of activities related to contemporary music.
The audience, who enthusiastically joined the activities dedicated to them in DYCE first edition, is offered new ways of approaching and understanding music in general and the contemporary world in particular.
At the end of the artistic activities, a round table on the teaching of composition in Europe invites representatives of all the European music academies to speak, while a concluding convention tells the story of the DYCE project from an artistic, human and communication point of view, welcoming the testimonies of all the participants.
Divertimento Ensemble, red region
Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Ex Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Erzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia), Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Cyprus, Malta
Taller Sonoro, green region
Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Luxemburg, Holland
Cikada, blue region
Norway, Sweden, Finland, UK, Ireland, Denmark, Iceland
Ensemble U:, yellow region
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine.
Since its 1989 formation in Oslo, Cikada has developed a refined
and highly acclaimed profile on the international contemporary
music scene.