May 30, 2018•
DYCE was a small-scale European project co-funded through the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union during the years 2018-2020. DYCE’s starting point was a Call for Scores that aimed to rendered accessible to the largest possible number of composition students from all European Universities, Conservatories, Musikhochschulen and Music Schools.
The four partners of DYCE have conceived an international project which enables them to expand their national experience to a European level and bring young European composers to the international stage. Primary goals of the project was to include active audience engagement, the commission of four new compositions and a new CD.
DYCE started with a Composition competition (October 2018 – January 2019) open to the composition students and alumni (graduated in the last two years) of all European Academies, Conservatories, Musikhochschulen and Music schools which issue an academic qualification. Addressing music academies will make it possible to scout for very young talents and reach promising composers from all over Europe.
The Call for Scores will help DYCE partners gained a thorough insight of European young composers’ creativity and of the diverse trends in the teaching of composition found throughout Europe. The data gathered was illustrated during the final convention as an important outcome of the project.