Streaming of Concerts


June 15, 2023


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Welcome to DYCE voting page

If you have attended at least one of the concerts held on 16 October 2022, you can enter the voting form from here.
Remember to access the ballot with the same email address that you gave to the concert staff! Voting submitted through unregistered addresses will not be considered.

The purpose of the vote is to choose one composer from each of the four European DYCE regions. The four selected composers will receive a commission to each write a new piece for ensemble; the four new works will be performed in May/June 2023 by the four DYCE partner ensembles.
You can vote online from 14.00 on 17 October to 23:59 on 19 October.

You will find the composers’ names and the titles of the pieces to be voted on, 3 for each region. 
For each region you must assign a mark from 1 to 3 to each composer: 3 is the highest mark = your favorite composer.
If you judge two composers to have equal merit, you may assign them the same mark. You cannot assign three equal marks (technically you can, but this way it is as if you cancel your vote because it will have no influence on the final results).
When you have finished voting for each region, click SEND.
Once sent, the vote is not revocable or repeatable.
You do not have to vote for all 4 regions: you can also vote for just one, or two, or three.

If you wish to listen to the pieces again before voting, the audio/video files are available here.

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DYCE concerts

Access video recordings of DYCE concerts.

Click on ‘Guarda su YouTube’ [watch the video on YouTube] to enlarge the screen
and access the individual pieces by clicking on the titles in the list

18 June 2023
OSLO, Cikada Ensemble

14 June 2023
MILAN, Divertimento Ensemble

11 June 2023
SEVILLE, Taller Sonoro

6 June 2023
TALLIN, Ensemble U:


16 October 2022
TALLIN, Ensemble U:
01:30 Tze Yeung Ho – “vihik (b) / shulamite (e)”
19:15 Jee Seo – “On Fever”
26:40 Liisa Hõbepappel – “On the Seashore of endless worlds children meet”
38:15 Sofie Meyer – “Cyanocitta / Magic”
47:18 Péter Tukora – “Nephele”

16 October 2022
SEVILLE, Taller Sonoro

00:00 Demian Rudel Rey – Cuélebre
09:56 Bernat Cucarella – Jerom
21:56 Kostas Zisimopoulos – Nysa
34:01 Guillermo Cobo – Energía del vacío
45:27 Emre Eröz – Palimpsest

16 October 2022
OSLO, Cikada Ensemble

03:50 Niki Zohdi: De Rerum Naturis [singularity] (2022) for percussion solo
16:05 Frederik Zeuthen: Soliloquy (2022) for cello solo
27:55 Samuel Messer: strange calligraphy (2016)
35:00 Inga Margrete Aas: Self Portrait with Lynx and Moth (2022)
42:35 Anibal Vidal: Liquidity (2021)

16 October 2022
MILAN, Divertimento Ensemble

09:41 Filippo Lepre, Intermittenze rituali for prepared piano
32:47 Otto Wanke, Metallic spaces for clarinet in Bb, violin, cello and piano
48:47 Seong-Jin Hong, If it Weren’t Tuesday, I Could go Dancing With the Turtle for flute, clarinet in Bb,
cello and piano
01:00:22 Pasquale Punzo, Immagini d’orizzonte for flute, clarinet, piano, violin and cello

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Call for storytellers


How does music
come to life?

Have you ever imagined
to capture the sound
that comes out
of a composer’s pen?

DYCE proposes that you make a video reportage which, from different European countries, illustrates how twelve pieces of contemporary music are created by twelve young composers.

In parallel to the
Call for Composers,
DYCE is launching a
Call for 4 Storytellers,
who are asked to narrate
the creative journey
of 12 composers and 8 performers.

Application deadline: 20 August 2022


2. The following are eligible: young video makers, videographers, artists, musicians, musicologists, journalists, social media managers, people working or wishing to work in the field of communication who are under 30 years of age on the application deadline (20 August 2022) with citizenship of (or residence in) a European country.
Candidates from some non EU countries included in the Creative Europe programme are also eligible to apply. List of non EU admitted countries


Applicants must submit within 20th August 2022 this online form.
They will be asked to attach:
• a curriculum vitae
• a letter of motivation
• a short video – any artistic or humanities topics are accepted; no commercial videos
• a text about music or arts, or communication, or any humanities topic, that has been published online or in print: articles, reviews, essays, dissertations, social media posts
• a copy of an identity document

If you have any questions about the material to be sent, please write to:


A jury, composed of the heads of the partners’ communication offices and the Artistic Directors (or designated members) of each DYCE partner, will select by 10 September 2022 the 4 Storytellers who will narrate DYCE.
The Storytellers will work with 3 composers (2 for solo pieces and 1 for ensemble pieces) and 2 musicians, imagining a story in episodes, told on video.


The selected Storytellers will be informed personally by email; the selection will also be announced on the DYCE website by 11 September 2022.


The selected Storytellers will receive:
1500 euro gross as reimbursement for work done;
500 euro gross for the purchase of technical equipment functional to the DYCE project;
All travel expenses related to the project will be borne by the DYCE partners.


In the most natural way possible, filming the composers’ work with their mobile phones, sharing their emotions and thoughts, the 4 Storytellers will be asked to video narrate the genesis of the 12 new pieces.
The video story will take shape over time, following a series of episodes.
Each episode will be published on the DYCE website and social networks.


DYCE concludes in June 2023 in Milan with a conference, in which all the protagonists participate: ensemble-partners, composers, performers, Storytellers, teachers, members of academies/universities etc, public; journalists, critics and all interested persons are invited. Participation of ensemble composers, solo composer + performer pairs and Storytellers is compulsory. Ensemble composers participate in person; solo composer + performer pairs and Storytellers participate online, unless they are already in Milan.
The final videos of the project will be broadcast at the conference.


Storytellers carry out their work in English.


Each applicant, by submitting his/her application to participate in the DYCE composition competition, agrees unconditionally to be bound by these rules.




Between 11 and 15 September 2022 – meeting in zoom with the project coordinator, the DYCE partners, the musicians of the ensembles

Between 16 September and 30 September 2022 – zoom meeting with each of the two composers of solo pieces from their region and their performers 

By 9 October 2022 – each Storyteller makes and sends to the DYCE communication coordinator: an online video interview (max. 3 minutes) with each composer + performer pair: the composers talk about the genesis of their pieces, what inspires them… and the performers about the emotions of working with a composer and seeing a piece come to life

16 October 2022 – before the start of the first DYCE concert:
• the video interviews mentioned in the previous point are screened in public;
• each Storyteller attends the concert of the partner ensemble in his/her DYCE region and interviews the conductor in public: questions about the project, the composers and the pieces on the programme… also anecdotes and special episodes…

By 20 October 2022 – each Storyteller creates and sends to the DYCE communication coordinator: a video (max. 1 minute) announcing, as engaging and exciting as possible, the name of the composer chosen in his/her DYCE region to commission an ensemble piece; the Storyteller will work with this composer until 2023. Videos will be published, in order of arrival, by 30 October 2022.

By 30 November 2022  – each Storyteller makes and sends to the DYCE communication coordinator: an online video interview (max. 3 minutes) with the composer for ensemble in his/her region: the creative and inspirational world of each composer should emerge – it is possible to tell anecdotes about the birth of the piece, fears, anxieties, moments of joy, emotions, discouragements…
The video interviews will be published, in order of arrival, by 10 December 2022.

By 28 February 2023 – each Storyteller makes and sends to the DYCE communication coordinator: a new video interview (max 3 minutes) with the composer for ensemble in his/her region: how is the work and the relationship with the ensemble in his/her region progressing? What to expect from the new compositions? Emotions? Fears? 
The video interviews will be published, in order of arrival, by 10 March 2023. 

January, February, March 2023 (based on each composer’s rehearsal schedule)  –  each Storyteller meets the two solo composers from their region live for a rehearsal with their respective performers.
He /she will produce and send to the DYCE communication coordinator: a double video interview (max. 5 minutes) with each composer + performer pair: how was it working together? How many suggestions did the composer receive from their performer? What did the composer discover about the instrument thanks to their performer? How much complicity in the creation of the piece? Other free suggestions…
The video interviews will be published, in order of arrival, by 10 April 2023. 

May, June 2023 (based on concert schedules) – 
Storytellers and composers for ensemble will be in residence at the concert season of the DYCE partner in their region. 
Each Storyteller makes and sends to the DYCE communication coordinator: a concluding video (max. 5 minutes): footage of rehearsals, live interviews with composers, performers and conductors, footage of the city where they are, concert venues, backstage…
Videos will be published the day after each final concert.  

For further information:
mob. +39 334 1732 400



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DYCE eight ‘musical pairs’


Collaborations between composers and performers have always been frequent in the history of music: the composer experiments with new ideas that the performer makes possible, correcting and improving the composer’s instrumental writing. In the meantime, the performer discovers new possibilities on the instrument and is stimulated to refine his/her technique.

DYCE Call for composers selects 12 composers for ensemble and 8 composers foro solo instrument (respectively, 3 and 2 from each DYCE region).
All 8 composers for solo are invited to find a performer among the students of their academy of origin, with and for whom the composer writes the new piece. This way, 8 “musical pairs” composer + performer are formed, 2 from each DYCE region: from September 2022 to April 2023 the pair’s musicians will work together to gain maximum benefit from each other’s experience.
Solo composers who cannot find his/her performer among the students of his/her academy should contact DYCE office to agree on a different way of choosing the performer.

In the months between October 2022 and April 2023, with a timetable to be agreed, DYCE partners offer tutoring to the couples: with live and online meetings, two renowned professionals (a composer and a performer of the same pair-instrument) chosen by each DYCE ensemble will guide the couple through the creation and performance of the new piece.
DYCE provides one trip for each couple to the partner’s city in their DYCE region, as well as some online tutoring meetings to be decided on the basis of the couple’s need.

Throughout the DYCE project the composers and musicians of the pairs will participate in DYCE’s communication activities, collaborating with the Storytellers and making short video interviews or presentations of their work themselves, or contributing with short written texts. More details will be provided at the beginning of the work.

The collaboration with the Storytellers is an integral part of the project and is carried out with the support of the DYCE partners’ team.

In May/June 2023, the 8 new solo works will be programmed in DYCE final concerts in Milan, Oslo, Seville and Tallinn. Each couple will be invited to the city of its DYCE region and each pair’s performer will play the piece that was composed for/with him or her. The concerts’ calendar will be published soon.
All travel, board and accommodation expenses will be charged to DYCE.

In June 2023, after the last concert, DYCE final convention will take place in Milan and will be attended by all protagonists: ensemble-partners, composers, performers, storytellers, Audience Development lecturers, members of the academies, the public; journalists, critics, and all interested people are invited. Composers’ and pairs’ participation in the convention is compulsory.
Composers for ensemble attend in person, the eight pairs attend online (unless they are already in Milan for different reasons).

For further percussions please write to

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List of available percussions:

Marimba (4.3 octaves – A2 to C7)
Big bass drum
Snare drum
Bass drum
Thai gong

For further percussions please write to

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4 European Areas


Divertimento Ensemble, red region
Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Ex Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Erzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia), Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Cyprus, Malta.

Taller Sonoro, grey region
Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Luxemburg, Holland.

Cikada, blue region
Norway, Sweden, Finland, UK, Ireland, Denmark, Iceland

Ensemble U:, yellow region
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine.

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Call for composers



works for ensemble
works for solo instrument

Application deadline 20 August 2022

The Call for Scores is open to the students and alumni from all European Universities, Academies, Conservatories, Musikhochschulen and Music Schools that issue an academic qualification.

The students must be enrolled in one of the European institutions for Composition or Electronic Music. The Alumni (same subjects) must have graduated in the last two years, i.e. not before 20 August 2020.

Applicants will have to prove their enrollment or degree through a document issued by the institution. 


The competition is divided into two sections:

A. pieces for ensemble
B. pieces for solo instrument

Composition students and alumni of all nationalities, from all European Universities, Academies, Conservatories, Musikhochschulen and Music Schools that issue an academic qualification are eligible to participate in the selection by submitting:

section A – pieces for ensemble
one score for an ensemble of 4 to 6 musicians among the following ones: flute (also flute in G, bass flute and piccolo), clarinet (also E flat clarinet and bass clarinet), violin, cello, piano, percussion.
Electronics (not live electronics) is admitted.
Maximum duration: 15 minutes

section B – pieces for solo instrument
one score for solo instrument among the following ones: flute (also flute in G, bass flute and piccolo), clarinet (also E flat clarinet and bass clarinet), violin, cello, piano, percussion.
Electronics (not live electronics) is admitted.
Maximum duration: 8 minutes

Applicants for both sections must be enrolled in a composition course of a European public or private Academic Institution, or must have graduated not before 20 August 2020. A document issued by the academy, proving the current or past enrolment in the school, or the date of the degree, is required.

Students and alumni from some non EU countries – included in the Creative Europe program – may apply, too. List of non EU admitted countries


Applicants must submit within 20th August 2022 this online form
In the enrolment form applicants will be asked to attach:

  • the score in pdf
  • a copy of an ID document
  • a curriculum vitae
  • a document issued by the educational institution, proving their current or past enrolment in the school as student in composition or electroacustic composition.

For any question regarding the admitted courses, please write to


Original scores as well as scores that have already been published and/or performed are both eligible for submission.
They should not be anonymous.
A recording of the performance, if it was realised, may be attached, too.


An international jury of 8 members will select by 10 September 2022

The selected composers will be personally informed by email, and the selection will also be announced on DYCE’s website by 11 September 2022.
The 12 selected composers for ensemble will have to send the parts for the performance by 15 September 2022.


The 20 chosen scores will be performed in four concerts by the four DYCE ensembles, and each ensemble will execute the 5 pieces belonging to its area (3 for ensemble, 2 for solo).
The four concerts will take place on 16 October 2022, at different hours in the four ensembles’ cities, with audio/video streaming broadcast from each concert hall to the other three.
In this way, during this day the audiences will listen to all 20 pieces: 5 live and 15 in streaming.
A special attention will be given to the quality of the streaming, in order to guarantee a perfect and pleasant listening to the audience.
After the concerts, the audience in the four ensembles’ cities and the ensembles’ members will vote and select the 4 best compositions for ensemble, among the 12 performed in the concerts. The 4 chosen scores will belong to a different European Area each, so that the 4 areas are equally represented.
This event will mark the completion of the Audience Development program (soon online).
The 8 solo pieces are not subject to further selection and participate directly in point 6 of this regulation.


The 4 selected composers for ensemble will be commissioned with a 12-15 minutes new piece each, for the same instruments of the Call for scores: flute (also flute in G, bass flute and piccolo), clarinet (also E flat clarinet and bass clarinet), violin, cello, piano, percussions.
Electronics (not live electronics) is admitted.
Each composer will receive the amount of € 3000 gross for the commission.
The scores and the parts of the new pieces must be sent to the ensembles by the 31st of March 2023.

The 8 composers for solo instrument will be commissioned with a 5-8 minutes new piece each, for a solo instrument of the candidate’s choice.
Electronics (not live electronics) is admitted.
Each composer will receive the amount of € 1500 gross for the commission.

Each composer for solo instrument will choose the musician for whom to write the new piece, possibly from among the students or alumni of their home academy. In this way, the composer-instrumentalist pair will be formed and will work together until the composition is completed and the new piece is performed in concert (May/June 2023).
Click here for further details on the work of the pairs.

The 4 final concerts with the commissioned pieces for ensemble and for solo will be performed in the DYCE partners’ cities, in different dates in May/June 2023.
The 4 pieces for ensemble will be performed by the DYCE partner ensembles.
The 8 solo pieces will be performed by the musicians of the 8 pairs.
The 4 composers for ensemble will be invited to Milan, Oslo, Sevilla and Tallinn and will attend the rehearsals and the concerts, working closely with all the ensembles and the conductors.
The 8 couples (composer + performer) of the solo pieces will only be invited to the concert of the partner-ensemble from their DYCE region.


Throughout the DYCE project the composers and musicians of the pairs will participate in DYCE’s communication activities, collaborating with the Storytellers and making short written or video interviews or presentations of their work themselves. More details will be provided at the beginning of the work.
This communication activity is an integral part of the project and is carried out with the support of the DYCE partners’ team. See the Call for Storytellers for further details.


The composers’ and pairs’ expenses for travel, board and accommodation in Milan, Oslo, Sevilla and Tallinn are charged to DYCE.


DYCE final convention will take place in Milan after the last concert (June 2023), attended by all protagonists: ensemble-partners, composers, performers, storytellers, AD lecturers, members of the academies, the public; journalists, critics, and all interested people are invited. Composers’ and pairs’ participation in the convention is compulsory. Composers for ensemble attend in person, the eight pairs attend online.


Each applicant, by submitting his/her application to participate in the DYCE composition competition, agrees unconditionally to be bound by these rules

For further information:
mob. +39 334 1732 400



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